Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 003 + Day 004

Hungry: ★★★★
Happy: ★★★★
Training: |||||||
Age: 3
Weight: 93
Name: Tony
Gender: Boy
Generation: 1
Point: 644

Hungry: ★★★★
Happy: ★★★★
Training: |||||||
Skills: 101/51/48
Age: 3
Weight: 53
Name: Effy
Gender: Girl
Generation: 1
Point: 190

I'm ashamed to be a Tamagotchi owner. Yesterday I did so bad taking care of them that they nearly died. I was too upset to put a post v_v I had so much crap to do yesterday that I completely forgot about them all day at school and then after school I had enough time to check their stats every few hours. Today was a little bit better, as I spent about an hour playing games. Tony turned into a Pyonkotchi a little while ago which is a character I've had before but it's not one of my usuals, so I'm glad. It's always nice to have a little variety. Today during school Effy turned into a Ponytchi which is a character that I have never had nor heard of before, so it was a pleasant surprise. Effy went to school for the first time today x_x Hopefully tomorrow she graduates and is able to get a job... I will try my best to be a better owner tomorrow! Comments?

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