Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 003 + Day 004

Hungry: ★★★★
Happy: ★★★★
Training: |||||||
Age: 3
Weight: 93
Name: Tony
Gender: Boy
Generation: 1
Point: 644

Hungry: ★★★★
Happy: ★★★★
Training: |||||||
Skills: 101/51/48
Age: 3
Weight: 53
Name: Effy
Gender: Girl
Generation: 1
Point: 190

I'm ashamed to be a Tamagotchi owner. Yesterday I did so bad taking care of them that they nearly died. I was too upset to put a post v_v I had so much crap to do yesterday that I completely forgot about them all day at school and then after school I had enough time to check their stats every few hours. Today was a little bit better, as I spent about an hour playing games. Tony turned into a Pyonkotchi a little while ago which is a character I've had before but it's not one of my usuals, so I'm glad. It's always nice to have a little variety. Today during school Effy turned into a Ponytchi which is a character that I have never had nor heard of before, so it was a pleasant surprise. Effy went to school for the first time today x_x Hopefully tomorrow she graduates and is able to get a job... I will try my best to be a better owner tomorrow! Comments?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 002

Hungry: ★★★★
Happy: ★★★★
Training: ||||
Age: 2
Weight: 63 (yikes...)
Name: Tony
Gender: Boy
Generation: 1
Point: 190

Hungry: ★★★★
Happy: ★★★★
Training: |||||
Skills: 59/38/30
Age: 1
Weight: 47 (yikes...)
Name: Effy
Gender: Girl
Generation: 1
Point: 20

Today was my first day back at school, meaning I didn't get to play with my Tamagotchis as much as I would have liked to. From the time they woke up (8 am) until about 1 pm I didn't really get to see them, so naturally most of their hearts were completely gone. I decided in my final class to just play games was basically the only time I really saw them. Played a few games with Tony to be able to buy a mirror :3 He's losing some weight, but he's still not anywhere near the weight I would like for him to be at. I played a lot more games on Effy, but she too is nowhere near the weight I would prefer for her to be at. She turned into a Young Memetchi today, which is good. I always seem to get that character on my v4 though >.< I swear, every single time. Anyways, in her shop today there was a piano for 28k and a plane ticket to Canada for 12k. I wish I could have gotten them, but I couldn't get enough money in time for either. I got out of school at 2:20, stayed around for about 20 minutes, and didn't get home until 2:50. I then had to clean up a few things meaning that I couldn't get on the computer to get points on Tamatown until after 3:00 and the shop had already restocked. Oh well, maybe next time :) Tony and Effy connected a few times during the day, but they both seem to only be friends. Nothing more. A few praises here and there - I think I only had to give one time out to Tony. Yeah that's about it. Tomorrow I plan on playing with them a little more, depending on what I'm doing in school.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 001

Well today I will start posting regularly (hopefully)

I have two Tamagotchis going. My 4th and final v3 and my first v4.

Hungry: ★★★★
Happy: ★★★★
Training: |||
Age: 1
Weight: 72 (yikes o_o)
Name: Tony
Gender: Boy
Generation: 1
Points: 1170

I played Bump once with little Tony and I got champion (cause I'm the best, duh) so I had enough points to buy out everything in the shop today.
Yay ;'D

Hungry: ★★★★
Happy: ★★★★
Training: ||||
Skills: 332/28/22
Age: 0
Weight: 33 (...)
Name: Effy
Gender: Girl
Generation: 1
Point: 240

I played lots of Mimic today to be able to buy everything (and I had a full-day sale ;D)
However, once the 25k UFO showed up I went on and got the 25k off of Tamatown since I didn't want to spent 5 hours playing Mimic.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 000

So this is my log where I will talk daily about my adventures with my Tamagotchis! And maybe even throw in some random stuff ;D Hahah yah~